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How I Can Help You Buy a Home

Whether it’s your first home or if you’re an experienced buyer, purchasing a home is a complex process. By working with me, you’ll find a home in the neighborhood where you want to live, one that fits your budget and meets your goals for features, quality and value. Once you’ve found the home that’s right for you, I will guide you through the process of making an offer; negotiating the terms of the sale; getting your potential purchase inspected, repaired and appraised; and closing the sale.

When you work with me, you will:

  • Be more likely to find the home that meets all your criteria
  • Lessen the amount of time it will take to find your home
  • Understand all the terms, processes and documents used when buying your home
  • Have up-to-date market information that will allow you to make informed decisions
  • Have a skilled negotiator working on your behalf, one who is committed to looking after your best interests
  • Enjoy peace of mind, knowing that all the details of your purchase are being taken care of by an experienced and knowledgeable professional
Barbara Jagolinzer
Broker Associate/REALTOR
Past President, Council of Residential Specialists, RI Chapter ABR, ASP, CRS, ePRO, GRI, MRP, PMN, SRES
(401) 345-6666  |  (401) 847-4800  |  REB.0013531   |  barbara@barbarajagolinzer.com
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Articles, Tips, & Helpful Buyers Information

Young couple creating a plan of action

Build a Plan of Action and Get Ready

Build a Plan of Action and Get Ready Buying a home will probably rank as one of the biggest personal investments one can make. ...
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dreaming of a home

Is Buying a Home Still a Smart Plan

Is Buying a Home Still a Smart Plan With the burst of the housing bubble, credit crisis, and millions of foreclosures across the country, ...
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Buyer Agent

Use a Buyer’s Agent

Use a Buyer's Agent It's important that you choose an experienced agent who is there for you. Your agent should be actively finding you ...
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Credit purchase

Why You Should Not Make Any Major Credit Purchases

Why You Should Not Make Any Major Credit Purchases Don't go on a spending spree using credit if you are thinking about buying a ...
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Diagram of housing market on computer screen

Hot, Normal, and Cold Markets

Hot, Normal, and Cold Markets Hot Market This is an extremely competitive market and is advantageous to the seller. Sometimes, homes will sell as ...
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Environmental testing

Environmental Issues

Environmental Issues When purchasing a piece of property, it is important to be aware of any environmental liabilities associated with it. For example, you ...
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